Sengunthar Arts And Science College(Autonomous)

Affliated to Periyar University, Salem & Approved by AICTE, New Delhi.
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution
Recognised U/s 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956 & Accredited by NAAC A+
Click Here : End Semester Examinations Results Nov-2024 first year UG & Pg

Best Practice

                   Best Practice – I

                                Career Oriented Skill Development Training Modules

  1. Title of the Practice :

            Career Oriented Skill Development Training Modules

2. Objective of the practice:

  • Skill development training modules to create the best career opportunity for students.
  • To provide training programs to enhance students’ employability
  • Skills that enable them to become industries/companies and astute arts & science professionals.  

3. The Context:

  • Training to transcend in a conductive learning environment that ensures to achieve employability quotient with quality job placement after the completion of the course.
  • To incorporate skill components in the additional courses.
  • To promote interdisciplinary programs that prepare students for diversified careers opportunities.
  • To offer value added courses and skill competitive programs based on the recent advancement.

    4.   The Practice:

  • Skill based training courses which cater to the requirements of various professional fields are practised.
  • Students from first year to final year are eligible to take up this training alongside their regular course of study.
  • At the end of three years, the students are equipped with skill training along with conventional degrees.
  • Students are constantly motivated through counselling to increase their morale.  

     5.  Evidence of Success  

  • Skill developed modules have improved the success rate of the student in the final placement interviews to an appreciable extent.
  • These modules have proved to be effective in students overall progress on and in seeking employment or to set up their own start-ups.
  • Skill development enhances the proficiency of a student in their particular area of interest. It enhances to build the professional network, better communication, time management.Competitive and career counselling, value added course and training program improve their career oriented skills.

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 6.  Problems Encountered and Resources Required  

  • Students at times do face problems in getting permission from their parents.
  • Further in a tightly scheduled semester pattern of teaching, time management has been found to be one of the biggest challenges in giving special space to industry academia interface. 


 Best Practice - II          

              Encouraging Students for Social Services

                          Donate Blood Save Lives

 1. Title of the Practice: 

             Encouraging students for social services

2. Objectives of the Practice: 

  • To fulfil the social responsibility of the institution. 
  • To inculcate the concept of community service among the students. 
  •  To create awareness and motivate students for voluntary non-remunerated blood donation. 
  • To educate students about the importance of blood donation 
  • To raise global awareness of the need for safe blood, blood products for blood transfusion and critical contribution voluntarily.  
  • To encourage those who have not yet donated blood to start donating. 

3. The Context:

 It is a novel attempt on behalf of the college to involve one and all associated with the college to promote blood donation for a healthy atmosphere as a healthy mind in a healthy body.

4. The Practice:

           The Taluk Government Hospital (Tiruchengode) is located nearer to the college. The patients from the different areas of the taluk come for treatment to GH. The college made publicity through students, staff, alumni, parents and other well wishers of the institution to approach the institute for voluntary blood donation in needy time. This activity is monitored by the YRC of the institution. Whenever any person in need of blood approaches the college, the Principal announces to the convener of YRC about the details of the required blood group along with the status of the patient. Any one of the students or staff members will respond immediately to the announcement and help the patients by donating the blood voluntarily. The beneficiaries express their heartfelt thanks to the Principal, YRC convener and donors. It gives utmost satisfaction to all the stakeholders of the Institution as this is a life saving donation. 

5. Evidence of Success: 


           With this practice the most benefited group is accident people. Also the patients suffering from various diseases like heart problem, cancer, kidney problems, dengue fever and surgeries for different problems including pregnant ladies are benefited through this programme. As Govt hospital Tiruchengode is nearer to college, the students and staff members are ready to help in emergency situations by their voluntary blood donation.

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6. Problems Encountered & Resources Required

           Initially students and staff members have different attitudes but gradually realize the significance of this practice and value of donation. Most of them fear pain during donation and infections acquired from the use of non-sterile instruments during donation. Many had apprehensions about post donation weakness. Social prejudices prevail on the sharing of blood. Many people believe that blood should not be shared. This social belief needs to be broken. The continuous awareness campaign creates a positive environment to spread the value of blood donation.           

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