Sengunthar Arts And Science College(Autonomous)

Affliated to Periyar University, Salem & Approved by AICTE, New Delhi.
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution
Recognised U/s 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956 & Accredited by NAAC A+
Click Here : End Semester Examinations Results Nov-2024 first year UG & Pg



            English is a global language that has brought people and cultures together. It has  now, in the current global scenario, became the language of education, technology, trade and cross-cultural relations. In addition to its basic functionality in helping to widen the learners perspective by introducing them to sundry cultures across the globe, English literature as a discipline caters to the inculcation of values even as it enriches communicative skills, and thereby grooms the holistic department of the youth. Learning of literature thus contributes richly to community living and comradeship.


            To empower the students of literature by stimulating and developing their imagination and critical thinking through teaching and research and transform them into morally and ethically responsible citizens of the society. 


         Developing core communication and Life Skills of global English language learners so they can communicate with confidence and contribute to their society. 


            The Department offers under graduate and post graduate programmes of study and research related to English language and literature and teaching of English  language. It has initiated need-based curriculum for all programmes, keeping  in mind social and national needs as well as student competence. the syllabi, methodology of teaching and coaching are planned and executes with utmost care at the UG and PG levels through a member of students     self-study activities to go hand in hand with teaching to help the students meet the demands of the competitive employment market of the present day.




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