Sengunthar Arts And Science College(Autonomous)

Affliated to Periyar University, Salem & Approved by AICTE, New Delhi.
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution
Recognised U/s 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956 & Accredited by NAAC A+
Click Here : End Semester Examinations Results Nov-2024 first year UG & Pg

B.Sc. Biochemistry



In its sojourn towards enthusing students’ interest in the subject, the department has focused on three aspects: building a conceptually sound foundation of the subject knowledge; the importance of basic and applied research; and the benefits of the subject in development of the society. The department has adopted traditional as well as modern methods of teaching and has put a lot of emphasis on learning by doing. The seeds of research, entrepreneurship, innovations, team work and efficient working are sown by the qualified staff members by establishing a one to one interaction with students through mentoring sessions.

Hightlights- Academics

+19 University ranks and 4 Gold medals produced past tenure of 26 years of existence.


The Department of Biochemistry at Sengunthar Arts and Science College Tiruchengode, caters to the needs of students community offering course in Biochemistry in the undergraduate and postgraduate and fundamentals research in Biochemistry.

A team of dedicated teachers with rich experience in teaching and latest development in Biochemistry.The department reachers out to the local community through out reach programme extension activity  to achieve the goals and equity and diversity.

Our faculty awarded with Perasiriyar Kalaimani Award – 2019 recognized by Kaviyarasar Kalai Tamil Sangam.


To provide a board based knowledge in concepts and principle of life sciences with specialization in biochemistry.

To identify and work on local and global thurst area that needs Biochemical interventions.

The mission of the department is to train competent professional biochemists with the knowledge ,skill and values required to address the need for high level manpower across the naton.

To produce trained students with creative, innovative and inventive research aptitude by providing hands – on- training on biochemical techniques.


Biochemistry is the specialized branch of the  life science devoted to understand the biological process, we envision to prepare students for the future by imparting quality education of the basic and applied and advanced aspects in life science with emphasss on Biochemistry to achieve the goal to on enrich the human life. 

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